Tai Ji Quan, and Qigong
Tutor: Clare SkeltonCourse Code: 1525-01


Nurture yourself with a weekend of gentle exercise to enhance your health and well-being. These traditional Chinese health arts, Tai Ji Quan and Qigong (Tai Chi Chuan and Chi Kung), create stillness in the mind whilst also increasing vitality and fitness. Your ability to relax, your flexibility, co-ordination and balance will improve with practice. I enjoy working with all ages and will support you to meet your individual health and fitness needs. The course is suitable for all levels, beginners welcome.


During the weekend we will practise a range of traditional Chinese Health Arts, Tai Ji Quan and Qigong. Through learning a range of gentle, supportive exercises, students will begin to nurture themselves and restore their sense of wellbeing. Vitality and internal strength will grow, lifting the spirit and invigorating the energy. Relaxing the body and resting the mind brings contentment and will enhance your enjoyment of the peaceful beauty of the Missenden Abbey grounds and its majestic trees. This will support you to deal with the stresses and challenges of daily life with more ease and balance.

This course is for suitable all levels of learners, from the complete beginner to the more experienced student.  All the work can be adapted to suit individual ability; the slow, controlled movements of the Tai Ji Quan form make it an ideal for people of all ages. Tai Ji and Qigong strengthens the immune system and is particularly helpful for lung conditions, arthritis sufferers, high blood pressure and many other chronic conditions.

During the course you will begin by warming up, learning to let go of the stresses of daily life ready to explore the Qigong and Tai Ji forms. These practical sessions will cover a variety of topics which may include: Li and Yang Style Tai Ji forms, Qigong, Tai Ji dance and staff sets, remedial exercises, walking meditation and pushing hands. The weekend will include an introduction to the Traditional Chinese Medicine theory and philosophy that underpins the practise of Tai Ji and Qigong.

If you have any particular health problems or you are not used to exercise, please seek your doctor’s advice before joining the class.

Please bring with you

Please wear loose clothing and soft soled shoes.

Please bring shoes, jackets, sunhats etc for working outside, weather permitting.


Suitable for all levels, beginners welcome.

Course Location

Missenden Abbey
Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire HP16 0BD


Clare Skelton

Clare Skelton has over thirty years’ experience of studying and teaching Tai Ji, Qigong and Chinese health arts. Clare trained and qualified with The Nei Chia Association of Great Britain in the UK and China. She has a wealth of experience working with students of all ages through running evening classes, summer schools, courses in the workplace and in schools, adapting the work to suit different ages and abilities. She has run residential courses at Missenden Abbey since 2012. Clare now studies with Sophie Johnson of Lotus Neigong.

11th to 13th Apr 2025
Friday to Sunday

Enrol on this Course


4pm onwardsresidents may check in
7.45pmNon-residents arrive
8-9.30pmTeaching session
7.30-9.30amBreakfast for residents
9.15am-12.45pmTeaching session
12.45-1.45pmLunch for all
1.45-6pmTeaching session
6.45 for 7pmDinner for residents
7.30-9.30amBreakfast for residents
9am-12.45pmLast teaching session
12.45-1.45pmLunch for all

As usual I leave feeling so much better than when I arrived! Wonderful company wonderful teaching wonderful three days!

"Clare is a wonderful teacher, we are so pleased to have her." (March 2019)

"Another weekend in Paradise!" (November 2019)

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For Tai Ji Quan, and Qigong on 11th to 13th Apr 2025