Dynasty - The Godwin Family
Tutor: Richard StoneCourse Code: 3324-01


This two day history course will cover the story of three generations of one of the great noble families of 11th century England, from the dramatic rise to authority and influence of Earl Godwin of Wessex to King Harold and his sons, and their equally spectacular fall from power in the wake of the Norman Conquest.


Please bring with you

A notebook and pen will be useful.


Suitable for all levels

Course Location

Missenden Abbey
Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire HP16 0BD


Richard Stone

Richard Stone

Richard is an experienced tutor and the author of several books on history. He holds a Masters degree from the University of Leicester.

12th to 13th Aug 2024
Monday to Tuesday


9.15amStudents arrive (coffee available)
9.30amTeaching session
12.45-1.45Lunch for all
1.45-5pmTeaching session
6.45 for 7pmDinner for residents
7-9.00amBreakfast for residents
9.30am-1pmTeaching session
12.45-1.45Lunch for all
1.45-5pmLast teaching session

"As usual, Richard has given us an excellently researched and fascinating course." (Summer School 2019)

Excellent. (Summer School 2023)

"Excellent and as entertaining as always." (March 2022)

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For Dynasty - The Godwin Family on 12th to 13th Aug 2024